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Areas of Focus

Advancing Our Mission

FSBPT's areas of focus guide us in the planning and budgeting process by keeping us focused on what is essential to forwarding FSBPT's mission. The Areas of Focus were developed over time through our membership surveys, two FSBPT summits, strategic planning sessions of the board of directors, and additional feedback from committees and staff.


The Areas of Focus were approved by the FSBPT Delegate Assembly. Any future changes to the Areas of Focus would need to be adopted by the FSBPT Delegate Assembly. They are guided by the vision of FSBPT, which was approved by the 2003 Delegate Assembly:

“State licensing boards and their Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy will achieve a high level of public protection through a strong foundation of laws and regulatory standards in physical therapy, effective tools and systems to assess entry-level and continuing competence, and public and professional awareness of resources for public protection.”


Six Areas of Focus:

  1. 11 Examinations

    Ensure the ongoing excellence, reliability, defensibility, security and validity of the NPTE® and related examinations.

  2. 22 Membership

    Enhance the Federation's value to its membership by developing and maintaining programs and services responsive to membership needs.

  3. 33 States' Rights, States' Responsibilities and Professional Standards

    Identify and promote effective regulation in physical therapy that ensures the delivery of safe and competent physical therapy care, while respecting states’ rights and responsibilities.

  4. 44 Education

    Provide and promote educational programs and products for board members, administrators, the public and other stakeholders.

  5. 55 Leadership

    To broaden the Federation's leadership role and recognition within the regulatory, professional and related communities.

  6. 66 Organizational and Financial Stability

    Ensure the long-term organizational and financial stability and viability of the Federation.