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NPTE Graduation Year Reports

Pass Rates by Graduation Year

FSBPT posts pass rate information for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE®). Below are the results for students who graduated in a given calendar year and took the exam. The reports do not consider in what year a student tested, only in what year the student graduated. Additional pass rate reports are also available.


FSBPT updates the data on a quarterly basis, approximately six weeks after a fixed test date.

These reports include pass rate results for the first attempt, as well as the “ultimate” pass rate, which is the percentage of students who passed the examination irrespective of the number of attempts they take to pass.

Graduation year reports are updated quarterly. First-time pass rates are provided for the previous graduation year, and ultimate pass rates are provided for the graduation year two years prior to the posting.

Ultimate pass rates are posted a year after first-time pass rates are posted to allow students time to retest, if necessary. By delaying posting, the ultimate pass rates will be less likely to change significantly over time.


Physical Therapist Examination

% Passing - PT20232022202120202019
First-Time Candidates - Graduates of
US Accredited Programs
Ultimately Passing - Graduates of
US Accredited Programs
Not Available99999999

Physical Therapist Assistant Examination

% Passing - PTA20232022202120202019
First-Time Candidates - Graduates of
US Accredited Programs
Ultimately Passing - Graduates of
US Accredited Programs
Not Available93929495