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NPTE Two-Year Ultimate Pass Rates by School

Two-Year Average by School

FSBPT posts pass rate information for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE®). Below are the results for the two-year average of students in a graduation class that took the NPTE and passed, no matter how many attempts it took. Additional pass rate reports are also available.


FSBPT updates the data quarterly, approximately four weeks after a fixed test date.

The ultimate pass rate is defined as the percentage of students in a graduation class that took the NPTE and passed, no matter how many attempts it took.

The weighted average is computed using the following formula:

(A*X) + (B*Y)

A = ultimate pass rate of program for graduation year 2013
B = ultimate pass rate of program for graduation year 2014
X = number of students in graduation year 2013 who took the NPTE
Y = number of students in graduation year 2014 who took the NPTE

Pass rates are not reported for programs that graduated only one class during these two years. The pass rates for these programs are designated with an asterisk (*).

Pass rates categorized by state

Ultimate pass rates