FSBPT Grants
FSBPT wants to help jurisdictions in our shared mission of public protection, and we have funds available to help you succeed!
FSBPT’s board has set aside a $1 million grant for PT Compact member jurisdictions, along with our ongoing jurisdictional grant program, to help you use the FSBPT ID and submit data to the Examination, Licensure, and Disciplinary Database (ELDD). PT Compact member jurisdictions can apply for grants to fund consulting, programming, data entry, technological upgrades, and other activities that enhance updates to the ELDD. Please let us know if your jurisdiction is interested by contacting our CEO, William A. Hatherill.
Select Your 2023 Delegates and Funded Administrator
Member board chairs and administrators, we need your delegates and funded administrator credentialed by May 1, 2023.
We ask boards to select one person to serve in each of these roles (if feasible):
- Voting Delegates cast the jurisdiction’s vote in the Delegate Assembly for motions and elections.
- Alternate Delegates can serve as the voting delegate if the selected Voting Delegate cannot attend.
- Selected Administrators can serve as the voting delegate for jurisdictions that do not select delegates.
FSBPT will fund the following attendees at LIF and the Annual Education Meeting this year.
Leadership Issues Forum, July 15-16, Arlington, Virginia
- Voting Delegate
- Board Administrator
Annual Education Meeting, October 19-21, Jacksonville, Florida
- Voting Delegate
- Funded Alternate Delegate
- Board Administrator
We recently emailed administrators instructions on selecting delegates and identifying the selected administrator. If you have any questions, please contact communications@fsbpt.org.
Thank you to the following jurisdictions that have already made selections: California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, and Ohio.
The PT Compact is Growing
South Carolina has joined the growing list (twenty-eight so far!) of states issuing Compact privileges. Check out the PT Compact map to find your state.
Share Your Webinar and Annual Education Meeting Ideas!
We are accepting presentation ideas and proposals for 2023 webinars and in-person sessions at the 2023 Annual Education Meeting in Jacksonville, Florida.
If you have a specific idea, please submit a proposal . However, we are also interested in learning about jurisdictions' experiences with regulatory topics and your general ideas on what issues we should examine. We encourage all board members, board administrators, and other stakeholders to please share topics and ideas with us . You can watch recent webinars on the FSBPT events platform .
Model Practice Act Workshop on July 17
When was the last time you compared your practice act to the Model Practice Act? Now is the perfect time, so dust off that Practice Act and get ready! The 7th edition of the Model Practice Act is full of significant revisions from previous editions. Join fellow FSBPT members to learn how to use the MPA to prioritize key issues, develop a crosswalk, interact with facilitators, and take the next steps toward contemporary regulation of physical therapy practice.
This one-day workshop on Monday, July 17, 2023, will immediately follow the Leadership Issues Forum. FSBPT will fund two participants per jurisdiction; it is highly recommended that one be the Administrator and the other either Board Chair (preferred) or Voting Delegate. FSBPT is also extending an invitation to APTA state chapter representatives as well.
Upcoming Webinars
We are hosting upcoming webinars within the FSBPT Portal, allowing you to easily access member resources, groups, and events all in one place! Please follow the instructions to register.
- Login to the FSBPT Portal
- Once you are on the portal, select "Events"
- Click on the webinar you want to register for
- Follow the registration process
- Select "Register Now" (it may take a moment to load)
- You will see a screen indicating the registration was successful and you will receive an email confirmation
- You can also use the calendar icon in the top right to add the event to your calendar. Please note, depending on your calendar and time zone settings it may not have the right time. The time is included in the calendar description. Please confirm your time settings are correct.
- All done! We will send more information on how to join the webinar closer to the event.
Here are some upcoming webinars you won't want to miss!
The When, How, and Why of the 2024 NPTE Redesign
March 1, 2023, 4:00 pm ET
The speakers will discuss the background behind the upcoming redesign of the National Physical Therapy Examinations—the new content outlines and item types—and the timeline for these changes. We will also discuss the implications of these changes for licensing jurisdictions, educators, and candidates. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Topics at the Leadership Issues Forum
FSBPT strives to be a deliberative organization and seeks to present new approaches and changes in a purposeful manner before our Leadership Issues Forum (LIF). Providing topics in advance allows the board an opportunity to carefully prepare topics for consideration. Bringing topics to LIF where our members have plenty of time to engage in thoughtful dialogue allows us to truly get member input into important topics. A number of topics have been presented at consecutive LIF meetings to make sure they are vetted properly, like the most recent bylaw changes or the disciplinary action guidelines. We welcome your input into future topics for LIF and look forward to hearing from you all !
Regulatory Workshop for Board Members and Administrators
This virtual workshop held March 10-12 provides an in-depth understanding of your role as a regulatory board member or staff person in protecting the consumers of physical therapy services. We will give an overview of FSBPT’s member services, and Dale Atkinson will review important aspects of being a regulator and provide tips and lessons learned.
You won't want to miss this! Here's how some of your fellow members have described the event:
- "It is a must-do. I am grateful to have been able to send a chunk of my staff. They had good feedback and learned a lot."
- "A great information dump of really useful stuff!"
- "I would describe this as critical training for our role on the Licensing Board."
- "A lot of fast-paced information presented in a fun way to keep me engaged."
- "Essential!"
Call for Nominations for CBA Leadership Positions
We are seeking nominations for the Council of Board Administrators (CBA) Chair and a position on the CBA Nominating Committee. We encourage you to get involved and help lead this vital community, to guide our continuing discussions and the implementation of our shared vision.
Please consider nominating yourself or someone else by Friday, April 14, 2023. Submit names to cbanominating@fsbpt.org.
“DPT”: Is it a Protected Term in Your Jurisdiction?
Some personal trainers at a large fitness club chain are using DPT as their professional credential. Life Time is a large chain of health clubs that originated in Minnesota and has expanded to other states. Life Time advertises its unique philosophy to personal training, known as Dynamic Personal Training , which strives to keep the client completely engaged by partnering in many exercises with the trainer. At least one jurisdiction has received multiple complaints that Life Time personal trainers are using DPT to denote themselves as a dynamic personal trainer. The term DPT is protected in the practice act of many jurisdictions and prohibits the use of DPT if not licensed as a physical therapist.
If your jurisdiction has updates on steps or actions you have taken regarding this issue, please let us know at communications@fsbpt.org .
FSBPT Forum: Model Practice Act: Reviewed, Revised, and Ready for Action
The world of physical therapy is evolving, and statutory language must keep up. The Ethics and Legislation Committee regularly reviews and revises the Model Practice Act, and the seventh edition has been approved by the Board of Directors and published in January 2023. This article is based on a presentation at the 2022 Annual Education Meeting presented by Craig Miller and Sherise Smith.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Power Imbalance in Physical Therapy
FSBPT’s Sexual Misconduct and Boundaries Committee recently completed a resource paper on Power Imbalance in Physical Therapy. The extensive education and experience of the Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant, combined with the patient’s/client’s vulnerability, create a power imbalance; however, many healthcare providers fail to recognize this dynamic. No matter how familiar or formal, brief or longstanding, every relationship functions on an underlying construct of the balance or imbalance of power between two individuals. Judicious practitioners can avoid the risk of boundary violations by consciously practicing self-assessment of personal and professional risk factors. "Power Imbalance in Physical Therapy" is a foundational document related to many current issues regulatory boards face.
Our Gratitude for Volunteers
This month, we thank these generous volunteer members for their support of our mission.
- Sexual Misconduct and Boundaries Committee Meeting
In The News
"Protecting Healthcare Systems Against Ransomware and Beyond," Crowdstrike
"Uniquely vulnerable to cyberattacks, healthcare organizations are in a tough spot — they’re being called upon to integrate new medical and personal devices, provide better patient engagement and customer service, and incorporate more third-party connections into the healthcare delivery organization’s network. Security lapses in any part of this complex environment create opportunities for adversaries."
"FBI infiltrates ransomware gang HIVE," Sarah Moors, Digital Health Insights, February 1, 2023
"The cybergang first made headlines after they took over Illinois-based Memorial Health System’s network in July 2021. The hospital had to revert to paper records for existing patients and was unable to accept new patients at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Using a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS), Hive takes over a computer network and holds it hostage until a ransom is paid. This model involves administrators, often referred to as developers, and affiliates."
"I'm 43 and still have $25,000 left to pay in student loans — but now I have to take out more debt to stay in my field. This system is ridiculous," Anne Wen, Insider, January 27, 2023
"I attended a five-and-a-half-year physical-therapy program at St. Louis University in Missouri, where I'm from. When all was said and done, I came out with both a bachelor's and master's degree and a little more than $100,000 in federal student-loan debt. Since then, I've paid off over $75,000 and can barely work because it's been hard to find a job without a doctorate in physical therapy. Despite nearly 20 years of experience and a master's degree, I have to return to school. I'll probably add $15,000 on top of the $25,000 I still owe in loans, and it's super frustrating."
"7,600 Fake Nursing Diplomas Were Sold in Scheme, U.S. Says," Michael Levenson, The New York Times, January 27, 2023
"Twenty-five people were charged this week in connection with the scheme, which involved the sale of fake transcripts and diplomas issued by three Florida schools, prosecutors said."
"The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Statement on Operation Nightingale," NCSBN, January 26, 2023
"The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Justice Department for their important work on Operation Nightingale. The investigation focused on nursing education programs that were allegedly involved in the sale of false and fraudulent nursing education credentials."
"Majority in U.S. Still Say Gov't Should Ensure Healthcare," Megan Brenan, Gallup, January 23, 2023
"A 57% majority of U.S. adults believe that the federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage. Yet nearly as many, 53%, prefer that the U.S. healthcare system be based on private insurance rather than run by the government. These findings are in line with recent attitudes about the government’s involvement in the healthcare system, which have been relatively steady since 2015."
"A laugh a day keeps the doctor away?" Alvin Powell, The Harvard Gazette, January 25, 2023
"No one knows why we do it, but it’s free, has no known side effects, and experts say it lifts spirits, lowers stress, makes us feel connected."
"InCrowd study shows a 79% burnout level among PCPs, and 68% across all specialties, spotlighting a national problem," InCrowd, August 6, 2019
"New report details the state of the US physicians under pressure, rebutting a report of declines among PCPs; only 25% say their facilities are effective in combating burnout."
"The skills-based organization: A new operating model for work and the workforce," Susan Cantrell et al., Deloitte Insights, September 8, 2022
"The most fundamental building block of work—the job—could be hampering many organizations. Instead, many are now applying skills-based models to meet the demand for agility, agency, and equity."
"South Carolina lawmakers consider occupational licensing changes regarding criminal convictions," Ariel Visconti, February 6, 2023
"South Carolina lawmakers are considering two bills (SB 165 and HB 3605) that would prohibit the state from denying occupational licenses based on previous criminal convictions."
"Technologies of Tomorrow: A Conversation with Eric Schmidt," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 11, 2023
"Humanity appears to be on the verge of a new era of scientific and technical progress. From 3D bioprinting and artificial intelligence to quantum communications, many of the most transformative technologies of this century are being tested in labs and incubated in start-ups from Silicon Valley to Shenzhen. In the coming years, these technologies may simultaneously become sources of social and geopolitical disruption and keys to addressing the most pressing global threat of our time: climate change."
"An 81-year-old brain doctor’s 7 ‘hard rules’ for keeping your memory ‘sharp as a whip,’" CNBC, February 2, 2023
"Like any other part of your body, your brain needs daily exercise. Neglecting your brain health can make you vulnerable to degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. As a neuroscientist, I’ve spent decades guiding patients with memory problems through brain-enhancing habits and exercises — many of which I practice, too."
Board Report
Recently, to advance the business of FSBPT, the board approved the motions listed.
Motion – Approved
To adopt the 2023 Salary Manual
Rationale: As a matter of procedure, the policy manuals are reviewed and approved each year.
Fiscal Impact: None.
Motion – Approved
To appoint the following person to the following Committee:
Ethics & Legislation Committee
Enjeen Woolford (MD) – Term End 2025
Rationale: To fill the vacancy created by a member stepping down
Board of Directors
Members of the board of directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions.
Ruggie Canizares Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah | Ellen Donald Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee | Joni Kalis Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming | Cynthia Potter Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Adrienne Price Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia
| Michele Thorman Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Virgin Islands
| David Relling Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, Wisconsin
| Charles E. Reiter The public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions |
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Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Subject | Point of Contact/Email Address |
ADA accommodations | Christine Sousa |
Assessment or examination development questions | Lorin Muelle Susan Newman npte@fsbpt.org |
Continuing competence | Jeffrey M. Rosa competencestaff@fsbpt.org |
Credentials review | Jaime Nolan, FCCPT |
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation | eldd@fsbpt.org |
Exam registration processing | Christine Sousa |
Foreign educated issues | Leslie Adrian |
Immigration | Jamie Nolan |
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module | competencestaff@fsbpt.org |
Legislation or Model Practice Act | Leslie Adrian |
Meeting arrangements | Paul Delaney |
NPDB reports/questions | Angela Burnham |
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact | compact@fsbpt.org |
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool | peat@fsbpt.org |
Reimbursement of expenses Other financial matters | Linda Michelsen |
School reports | schoolreports@fsbpt.org |
Score transfer & reporting | Christine Sousa |
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool | scppet@fsbpt.org |
Security issues | Susan Newman security@fsbpt.org |
Anything else, including news to share with members | William A. Hatherill Caitlin Jennings Communications@fsbpt.org |
 | | From the daffodil banks of the Potomac River, where the fish are faster, the fishing boats are longer, and the fishermen are still full of stories. - William A. Hatherill, CEO