The Slate for the 2023 Elections
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate for this year’s elections, to take place virtually during the Annual Education Meeting, October 19-21. Candidate statements will appear in the Delegate Handbook, which will be available on the FSBPT website for membership review this summer.
The Nominating Committee will hold a Candidate Forum in conjunction with the 2023 Leadership Issues Forum to introduce 2023 candidates for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee, in addition to a Candidate Forum in the fall. Further, the Nominating Committee will be seeking candidates interested in being slated for the 2024 elections. These positions will include Secretary, Treasurer, Director #1, and member of the Nominating Committee. The qualifications for these positions can be found in the Board and Committee Job Descriptions.
Please join FSBPT in thanking the 2023 Nominating Committee Members, Joseph Shanley (Chair), Ron Barredo, and Robert Friberg, for their work this year.
| | | | |
Michelle Sigmund-Gaines (OR) Director #2 | Megan Certo (IN) Director #3 | Steven Scherger (MN) Director #3 | Kelly King (AZ) Nominating Committee | Adrienne (Stacy) Price (GA) Nominating Committee |
Funding Available to Enhance the ELDD, Improve PT Compact Implementation, and Collect Workforce Data
FSBPT is committed to supporting its member jurisdictions in their mission to protect the public by providing grants for various activities. We have grants available to help jurisdictions with the following activities:
Enhancing the ELDD
The ELDD is the Examination, Licensure, and Disciplinary Database that stores information about physical therapy licenses and disciplinary actions against licensees. Jurisdictions can apply for grants to fund consulting, programming, data entry, technological upgrades, and other activities that enhance updates to the ELDD, including connecting to the API, FSBPT's tool for easily connecting data. The API automates the process of jurisdictions receiving NPTE scores and sending licensure files at a frequency of their choosing. The API enhances the accuracy, security, and timeliness of the data.
Improving Compact Privilege Implementation
For jurisdictions that are part of the PT Compact, FSBPT encourages jurisdictions to create a button on their website to "Obtain a Compact Privilege" near the "Renew My License" button so that licensees think about the compact when they renew their state license. This website enhancement can be funded through the grant program. Additionally, grants can help jurisdictions use the API to allow jurisdictions to display Compact Privilege holder information on their licensure verification system to ensure that the individual is authorized to practice in the jurisdiction.
Collecting Workforce Data
FSBPT is also interested in enhancing workforce data collection as part of licensure renewal. This can include collecting information on demographics, employment status, practice settings, and more. The data can be used to inform workforce development and policy decisions.
FSBPT offers grant funding to support its member jurisdictions in their mission to protect the public. If you are interested in learning more, please contact FSBPT's CEO, William A. Hatherill.
The PT Compact is Growing
Indiana has joined the growing list (twenty-nine so far!) of states issuing Compact privileges. Check out the PT Compact map to find your state.
Select Your 2023 Delegates and Funded Administrator
Member board chairs and administrators, we need your delegates and funded administrator credentialed by May 1, 2023.
We ask boards to select one person to serve in each of these roles (if feasible):
- Voting Delegates cast the jurisdiction’s vote in the Delegate Assembly for motions and elections.
- Alternate Delegates can serve as the voting delegate if the selected Voting Delegate cannot attend.
- Selected Administrators can serve as the voting delegate for jurisdictions that do not select delegates.
FSBPT will fund the following attendees at LIF and the Annual Education Meeting this year.
Leadership Issues Forum, July 15-16, Arlington, Virginia
- Voting Delegate
- Board Administrator
Annual Education Meeting, October 19-21, Jacksonville, Florida
- Voting Delegate
- Funded Alternate Delegate
- Board Administrator
We recently emailed administrators instructions on selecting delegates and identifying the selected administrator. If you have any questions, please contact .
Thank you to the following jurisdictions that have already made selections: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Share Your Webinar and Annual Education Meeting Ideas!
We are accepting presentation ideas and proposals for 2023 webinars and in-person sessions at the 2023 Annual Education Meeting in Jacksonville, Florida.
If you have a specific idea, please submit a proposal . However, we are also interested in learning about jurisdictions' experiences with regulatory topics and your general ideas on what issues we should examine. We encourage all board members, board administrators, and other stakeholders to please share topics and ideas with us . You can watch recent webinars on the FSBPT events platform .
Model Practice Act Workshop on July 17
When was the last time you compared your practice act to the Model Practice Act? Now is the perfect time, so dust off that Practice Act and get ready! The 7th edition of the Model Practice Act is full of significant revisions from previous editions. Join fellow FSBPT members to learn how to use the MPA to prioritize key issues, develop a crosswalk, interact with facilitators, and take the next steps toward contemporary regulation of physical therapy practice.
This one-day workshop on Monday, July 17, 2023, will immediately follow the Leadership Issues Forum. FSBPT will fund two participants per jurisdiction; it is highly recommended that one be the Administrator and the other either Board Chair (preferred) or Voting Delegate. FSBPT is also extending an invitation to APTA state chapter representatives as well.
Submit 2023 Excellence in Regulation Award Nomination: Forms Due June 2
The Excellence in Regulation Award recognizes jurisdictions that have made significant accomplishments toward increasing public protection for consumers of physical therapy services in a number of areas. To nominate a jurisdiction, including your own, submit a Nomination Form by Friday, June 2, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Upcoming Webinars
We are hosting upcoming webinars within the FSBPT Portal, allowing you to easily access member resources, groups, and events all in one place! Please follow the instructions to register.
- Login to the FSBPT Portal
- Once you are on the portal, select "Events"
- Click on the webinar you want to register for
- Follow the registration process
- Select "Register Now" (it may take a moment to load)
- You will see a screen indicating the registration was successful, and you will receive an email confirmation
- You can also use the calendar icon in the top right to add the event to your calendar. Please note, depending on your calendar and time zone settings, it may not have the right time. The time is included in the calendar description. Please confirm your time settings are correct.
- All done! We will send more information on how to join the webinar closer to the event.
Here is an upcoming webinar you won't want to miss!
Introducing Students to the PT Compact: A Module for Educators
June 14, 2023, 7:00 pm ET
The PT Compact’s Education Module Task Force has created an evidence-based educational module and field-tested it in the classroom. Come review the data collected and learn more about the module, which is ready for adoption by other educators, including objectives, content, assessments, and resources. The webinar will prepare participants to incorporate the module into their educational programs.
FSBPT Forum: AI, ChatGPT, and Licensing Exams
Claims that artificial intelligence (AI) systems have passed some licensure exams have raised concerns about exam validity and test security. However, doubts remain over how AI systems were used in these exams and the extent to which researchers had to use judgment to identify correct versus incorrect responses. This article is by Lorin Mueller, FSBPT Managing Director of Assessment.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Mandatory Reporting
The purpose of mandatory reporting of potential violations is to protect the public. Conduct suspected of violating licensure regulations should be reported to the appropriate state regulatory agencies or departments for investigation. FSBPT has several resources for jurisdictions to communicate the importance of mandatory reporting to practitioners.
Our Gratitude for Volunteers
This month, we thank these generous volunteer members for their support of our mission.
- Exam Development Committee
In The News
"Trainee Physician Milestone Ratings and Patient Complaints in Early Posttraining Practice," Han e al., JAMA Network Open
"Do trainee physicians with lower Milestones ratings in professionalism (P) and interpersonal and communication skills (ICS) during the last year of training receive more patient complaints in early posttraining practice?... In this study, lower Milestone ratings in P and ICS were associated with higher risk of patient complaints, suggesting that these individuals may need more support during graduate medical education training or in the early part of their posttraining practice career."
"Gianforte’s flagship red-tape relief bill takes a legislative beating," Eric Dietrich, April 3, 2023, Montana Free Press
"As introduced back in January, House Bill 152 envisioned a sweeping overhaul of the state’s occupational licensing code, the section of state law that governs licensed professions such as doctors, electricians and accountants. Paired with two other measures, House Bill 87 and House Bill 115, the bill sought to apply standardized forms and procedures to the state’s 32 separate professional licensing boards, many of which operate under idiosyncratic statutes."
"Analysis Finds 30% of Care Could Be Delivered Virtually. What’s Your Next Move?" American Hospital Association
"In a recent analysis conducted by Second Opinion, a health-tech newsletter, and the digital health firm Omada found that about 30% of care can be delivered virtually. The conclusion was based on a review of more than 9,500 Category I CPT codes against a rubric of clinical feasibility for virtual care and other factors."
"25% of clinicians want to switch careers, mostly due to burnout," Ann Baxter, October 12, 2022, HealthExec
"Burnout is contributing to a potential mass loss of workforce for the healthcare industry, with 25% of clinicians considering switching careers."
"Louisiana legal group to pursue licensing litigation for two veterinarians," Victor Skinner, April 6, 2023, The Center Square
Their case is the first in what’s expected to be many similar challenges from a new Right to Earn a Living Litigation Initiative launched by the Pelican Institute’s Center for Justice, an effort designed to break down unnecessary barriers to employment that have plagued the state for decades.
"Utah Gov. Spencer Cox holds ceremonial bill signing at opening of Utah Policy Innovation Lab," Logan Stefanich, April 10, 2023,
"Among the bills signed was SB35, or the Reciprocal Professional Licensing Amendments. This legislation streamlines the licensing process for professionals coming from other jurisdictions so that they may continue working in their field without additional accreditation. Under the new bill, these professionals need only contact the Utah Division of Professional Licensing for the privilege to practice."
"100 Best Jobs," US News
Physical Therapist is ranked as the #6 Best Job.
Board Report
Recently, to advance the business of FSBPT, the board approved the motions listed. Please contact your jurisdiction board liaison if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Recently, to advance the business of FSBPT, the board approved the motions listed. Please contact your jurisdiction board liaison if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Membership Survey Task Force Appointments
Rationale: To fill open positions for task force
Financial Impact: None
- Missy Anthony, OH (Chair)
- Bernardine Evans, DC
- Charles Harvey, NV
- Josh Greer, AZ
- Katie Stuart, ID
- Krista Wolfe, PA
Adopted (Adrienne Price abstained)
CBA Strategic Planning Task Force Appointments
Rationale: To fill open positions for task force
Financial Impact: None
- Claire Covert-Bybee, NE
- Stephen Curley, KY
- Karen Gordon, TX
- Adrienne (Stacy) Price, GA
- Michelle Sigmund-Gaines, OR
- Corie Tillman Wolf, VA
NPTE-PT Standard Review Task Force Appointments
- Andrea Attorri, NC
- Marisa Birkmeier, DC
- Neha Bodas, TX
- Julie Braun, FL
- Roberta Brehm, MO
- Patricia Brick, NJ
- Stephanie Bush, FL
- Erin Faraclas, MA
- Jeffrey “JJ” Ferguson, WI
- Kaitlyn Johnstone, WA
- Lauren Lipson, TX
- Sheena Long, MI
- Andrew Mills, NV
- Allen Namboothiri, CA
- Christina Odeh, IL
- Lindsey Robinson, LA
- Christine Snyder, FL
- Amanda Songstad, CA
- Dillon Traynor, CA
- Frances Westlake, CO
Board of Directors
Members of the board of directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions.
Ruggie Canizares Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah | Ellen Donald Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee | Joni Kalis Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming | Cynthia Potter Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Adrienne Price Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia
| Michele Thorman Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Virgin Islands
| David Relling Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, Wisconsin
| Charles E. Reiter The public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions |
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Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Subject | Point of Contact/Email Address |
ADA accommodations | Christine Sousa |
Assessment or examination development questions | Lorin Muelle Susan Newman |
Continuing competence | Jeffrey M. Rosa |
Credentials review | Jaime Nolan, FCCPT |
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation | |
Exam registration processing | Christine Sousa |
Foreign educated issues | Leslie Adrian |
Immigration | Jamie Nolan |
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module | |
Legislation or Model Practice Act | Leslie Adrian |
Meeting arrangements | Paul Delaney |
NPDB reports/questions | Angela Burnham |
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact | |
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool | |
Reimbursement of expenses Other financial matters | Linda Michelsen |
School reports | |
Score transfer & reporting | Christine Sousa |
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool | |
Security issues | Susan Newman |
Anything else, including news to share with members | William A. Hatherill Caitlin Jennings |
 | | From the red bud tree and azalea-covered banks of the Potomac River, where the fish are faster, the fishing boats are longer, and the fishermen are still full of stories. - William A. Hatherill, CEO