posted on March 31, 2013 15:27
FSBPT and APTA are collaborating with the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (National Center) to create a Minimum Data Set (MDS) that will facilitate enhanced data collection to describe the physical therapist and physical therapist assistant workforce.
An FSBPT/APTA work group was appointed, consisting of individuals representing five states: Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Oregon. One representative was appointed by the respective state licensing board. The other was suggested by the chapter president of each of the states selected to participate in creation of the data set.
In addition to APTA and FSBPT staff, attendees included FSBPT representatives
Kathleen Arney, NC; Carlton, Curry, MD; Jim Heider, OR; Stephanie Lunning, MN; Jessica Sapp, FL and APTA representatives
Melissa Cere, Mike Hmura, Mike Landry, Sheila Schaffer and
Patrick Tarnowski.
Christine Hosenfeld represented the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
The group met on March 2-3, 2013 at APTA Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. It drafted a data set consisting of 15 data elements as well as the accompanying values of each of the elements. These data elements fall into three categories: Demographics; Education, Training and Licensure; and Employment.
For more information, be sure to read the article in the upcoming
Federation Forum e-magazine article, Value of the Minimum Data Set, which will be out in April 2013.