Score Transfer Service
Become Licensed in another Jurisdiction
National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE®) scores are automatically reported to the jurisdiction licensing authority through which you applied for initial licensure.
However, after you receive your initial license, you may want to become licensed in additional jurisdictions. Most jurisdictions require a score be transferred by FSBPT to ensure that the score is authentic.
You may transfer your score any time after scores are released for the exam. A fee applies each time you send your score to a new jurisdiction.
Please note: Transferring your NPTE score is only one step in the process of obtaining a license in another state. For the most up-to-date information on requirements for licensure, contact your jurisdiction directly. For contact information, see our Licensing Authorities Contact Information page.
Have you considered a compact privilege? When you want to practice in another state, a compact privilege may be an option for you. If your permanent residence is in an active compact state, you have a license in that state, AND the new state is also an active compact jurisdiction, you would be eligible for a compact privilege. Compact privilege holders have the same abilities as license holders but are able to take advantage of a streamlined purchase experience. Compact privileges are issued at the time they are applied for through the PT Compact Commission.
View the list of active compact states here.
View additional information about the PT Compact here.