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Helpful Hints

Review Before Taking the Exam

If you've followed all the steps to register and schedule your test, studied the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE®) content and used some of the valuable tools we've recommended, you are almost ready to take the exam.

To make sure you've covered everything, review these helpful hints.


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    Review the NPTE Candidate Handbook

    Make sure you carefully and thoroughly review this valuable resource. All the information you need to know about the NPTE is included in the handbook. Click here to review.

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    Check Your ID

    To be admitted to the testing center you must have two forms of ID that are currently valid and have the same name as the name on your authorization to test (ATT) letter. The name on your ATT letter is the name that has been submitted to Prometric and your ID must match that name exactly.

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    Schedule Early

    Schedule your appointment as soon as you receive your ATT letter, which indicates the eligibility date you must use for scheduling your test. You will have a better chance of securing an appointment at the testing center of your choice when you schedule early.

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    Confirm Your Appointment Time and Date

    Take advantage of Prometric's 24/7 automated confirmation system. Call (800) 796-9857 a week or two before your test date to confirm your appointment. If you schedule online you will receive an email confirmation of your appointment. If you haven't scheduled your testing appointment with Prometric online, visit Prometric's website, www.prometric.com.

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    Verify Directions

    Look up the location of the testing center on a map prior to your test date. The testing center may provide you with directions but they may not be the quickest route from your location and may not take into account construction or heavy traffic points along the way. It is your responsibility to get to the testing center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.

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    If you have questions about the NPTE or questions about how to register for the NPTE, send us an email at examregistration@fsbpt.org, or call FSBPT at (703) 739-9420.