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Find a Licensed Physical Therapist

Ensure Your Safety

Looking for a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA) is like looking for any other type of health care practitioner—you want to make sure you get the best possible service from the right individual.


Start Searching

To find a competent, licensed professional, we suggest you try these resources:


Verify Your PT/PTA is Licensed

  • Ask to view their license from your state or jurisdiction 

    This will list the individual’s name, initial licensure, date and renewal date.

  • Look-up a licensed individual directly from the state's website

    Go to Verify a PT/PTA license and find your state licensing board.

Most PTs and PTAs are highly ethical, competent, and caring individuals. Even so, you may see disciplinary actions listed when you verify a license. Sometimes the discipline is for a relatively minor incident such as failure to renew on time; other actions are more serious.


Make a Decision

Make sure you understand the nature of the disciplinary report when making a decision about this PT or PTA. You can also call the state board office and ask if the PT or PTA has been disciplined.