FSBPT posts pass rate information for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE®). The posted pass rates show the overall performance of NPTE candidates in four broad categories:
Exam Year Reports are for an exam year—the time period in which a particular form is used. An exam year is approximately 12 months and now runs from January to December.
Graduation Year Reports provide results for students who graduated in a given calendar year and took the exam. The reports do not consider in what year a student-tested, only in what year the student graduated.
The Two-Year Ultimate Pass Rate by Schools Reports provide the two-year average of students in a graduation class that took the NPTE and passed, no matter how many attempts it took.
The Two-Year First-Time Pass Rate by Schools reports provide the two-year average of students in a graduation class that took the NPTE and passed on the first time.
FSBPT also offers school reports for educators. They can use the reports to compare pass rates for their school program with pass rates of other school programs.