Important:FSBPT Eligibilty Rules Restrict attempts to total of 6 per type of exam (6 attempts at PT/6 attempts at PTA by same person).
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Limit on NPTE attempts
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Remediation required after NPTE failure
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Retaking the NPTE
Jurisdiction | Jurisdiction limit on NPTE attempts | Remediation required after NPTE failure |
Alabama | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: AL Admin Code 700-X) |
Alaska | 6 (Reference : | Yes (Reference: 12 AAC 54.080.(c)) |
Arizona | No (Reference: AZ Revised Statutes 32-2024.E)An applicant for licensure or certification who does not pass the national examination after the first attempt may retake the examination one additional time within six months after the first failure without reapplication for licensure or certification. An applicant may retake the examinations as prescribed by the organization that administers the examinations. | |
California | No (Reference: CA Business & Professions Code §2638.) | |
Colorado | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: 4 CCR 732-1) |
Connecticut | No (Reference: Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 376Sec. 20-70.(b)(3))Any applicant under this section who fails to pass the examination prescribed by the department with the consent of the board may take a subsequent examination on payment of an additional application fee. | |
Delaware | 6 (Reference : | No (Reference: DE Admin Code Title 24.2600.7.5) |
District of Columbia | Yes (Reference: District of Columbia Municipal Regulations Title 17 6704.8) | |
Florida | 5 (Reference: FL Admin Code 64B17-3.001)This includes test attempts in all states, not just FL. Includes endorsement applicants. | Yes (Reference: FL Admin Code 64B17-3.002(4)(b)) |
Georgia | 6 (Reference: RULES OF GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY 490-3-.02(1)) | Yes (Reference: RULES OF GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY 490-3-.02(2)(b)) |
Hawaii | 6 (Reference : | No (Reference: HI Admin Rules §16-110-20) |
Idaho | No (Reference: ID Admin Code | |
Illinois | Yes (Reference: 225 ILCS 90/12) | |
Indiana | 6 (Reference: IN Code 25-27-1-7(e)) | No (Reference: 844 IAC 6-3-2(c )(1-4)) |
Iowa | 6 (Reference: IAC 645-200.4(3)) | No (Reference: IAC 645—200.4(147)) |
Kansas | 6 (Reference: KS Admin Regulations100-29-4.(c)) | Yes (Reference: KS Admin Regulations 100-29-4.) |
Kentucky | 6 (COMBINED both PT/PTA Exams Reference: 201 KAR 22:020.Section 2(3))KY limits 6 attempts total (in any jurisdiction) that can be split between PT and PTA (3 PT and 3 PTA or 4 PT and 2 PTA). | No (Reference: 201 KAR 22:020. Section 2) |
Louisiana | 4 (Reference: LA Admin Code Title 46 part LIV §171.B) | Yes (Reference: LA Admin Code Title 46 part LIV §171.(C )(1)) |
Maine | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: ME Admin Rules 02-393 Chapter 11.D.) |
Maryland | 6 (Reference: MD Health Occupations Article Title 13 §13-306(a)(2)) | No (Reference: MD Health Occupations Article Title 13 §13-306(a)(2)(i) and (ii)) |
Massachusetts | No (Reference: Massachusetts General Laws. Part I, Title XVI, Chapter 112, Section 23B) | |
Michigan | 6 (Reference: MI Admin Code R 338.7134 (2)) | No (Reference: Mich. Admin. Code R 338.7146(2)) |
Minnesota | No (Reference: MN Statute 148.723) | |
Mississippi | 5 (Reference: MS Regulations Title 30 Part 3103: Rule 1.1:3.a)An applicant who has taken the exam more than five times in any jurisdiction and who is not licensed is not eligible to sit for the examination in Mississippi. | No (Reference: MS Regulations Title 30 Part 3103: Rule 1.1) |
Missouri | 6 (Reference : MO Revised Statutes 334.530) | No (Reference: MO Revised Statutes 334.56) |
Montana | No (Reference: MT Admin Rules 24.177.501) | |
Nebraska | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: 172 NAC 137-012.03) |
Nevada | No (Reference: NAC 640.040.5) | |
New Hampshire | 6 (Reference: | Yes (Reference: NH Statute 328-A:7 IV.(b)) |
New Jersey | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: NJ Admin Code 3:39A-5.8) |
New Mexico | 6 (Reference: | Yes (Reference: NMAC |
New York | No (Reference: NY PT Rules Education§77.2a) | |
North Carolina | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: 21 NCAC 48D .0109) |
North Dakota | 6 (Reference: ND Century Code Section 43-26.1-05 ) | Yes (Reference: NDAC Title 61.5-02-01-03.) |
Ohio | 6 (Reference: OH Admin Code 4755-23-03(c)) | No (Reference: OH Admin Code 4755-23-03(c )) |
Oklahoma | 3 (Reference: OK Admin Code 435:20-3-5(4))In the event of failure to pass the third examination, an applicant will not be eligible to re-apply for examination in Oklahoma. The applicant may re-take the examination in another state. | Yes (Reference: OK Admin Code 435:20-3-5(c))Applicants who do not pass the examination after the first attempt may retake the examination one additional time without re-application for licensure.Prior to being approved by the Board for subsequent testing beyond two attempts, individuals shall reapply and present evidence satisfactory to the Board of having successfully completed additional clinical training and/or course work as approved by the Board. |
Oregon | 6 (Reference: OR Admin Code 848-010-0015(1)(c)) | No (Reference: OR Admin Code 848-010-0015(1)) |
Pennsylvania | Yes (Reference: PA Admin Code § 40.14.(b)) | |
Puerto Rico | Yes (Reference: L.P.R.A. Law 88)Remediation required after 5 NPTE failed attempts | |
Rhode Island | 6 (Reference: | Yes (Reference: RI Rules R5-40-PT/PTA 5.3.1) |
South Carolina | 6 (Reference: SC Code of Laws SECTION 40-45-230.(H))This includes test attempts in all states, not just SC. Includes endorsement applicants. | Yes (Reference: SC Code of Laws SECTION 40-45-230.(G)) |
South Dakota | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: SD Law 36-10-28.) |
Tennessee | Yes (Reference: TN Admin Code 1150-01-.08(9)) | |
Texas | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: TX PT Rules §329.2.(b)) |
Utah | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: UT Admin Code R156-24b-302b.) |
Vermont | Yes (Reference: VT Statute § 2103. (e)) | |
Virgin Islands | 6 (Reference: PT Regulations 6.C)If the applicant has not passed the national examination in less than or equal to 6 attempts, the applicant may not be licensed as a physical therapist in the territory. | Yes (Reference: PT Regulations 6.E) |
Virginia | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: 18VAC112-20-60.) |
Washington | 6 (Reference: | Yes (Reference: WAC 246-915-020.2) |
West Virginia | No (Reference: WVAC §16-1-4.1) | |
Wisconsin | 6 (Reference: | No (Reference: WI Regulations Chapter PT 2.03) |
Wyoming | 6 (Reference: WY Rules and Regulations Chapter 2 Sec 1.(b)(i)) | Yes (Reference: WY Rules and Regulations Chapter 2 Sec 1.(b)) |
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