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Testing Accommodations


FSBPT is committed to providing full access to the NPTE to individuals with documented disabilities while ensuring the security, integrity, and validity of the examination. If you are an exam candidate with a disability as that term is defined,  under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you can request testing accommodations.

What are Testing Accommodations?

Testing accommodations are intended to ensure that the test measures what it purports to measure, rather than the negative effects of a disabling condition. The purpose of testing accommodations is to provide candidates with full access to the test, not to guarantee improved performance, a passing score, test completion, or any other specific outcome.

Testing accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. Consequently, no single type of testing accommodation (e.g., extra time) would necessarily be appropriate for all individuals with disabilities.

Depending on the nature of your disability, accommodations may include:

  • Additional exam time
  • A reader or scribe
  • A separate testing room
  • Zoom Text®

This is not an exhaustive list.

Pre-Approved Personal Items

Refer here for a list of pre-approved personal items that do not require a request for testing accommodations.

How to Request Testing Accommodations

The process for requesting testing accommodations depends on the jurisdiction where you are seeking licensure. If you are seeking licensure through any of the following states, FSBPT will review your request for accommodations:

  • Alaska
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

If you are NOT registered through one of the states listed above, you will need to contact your licensing authority to request accommodations. You should not submit your request or any supporting documentation to FSBPT.

The FSBPT Accommodations Process

If you are seeking licensure through one of the states listed above, FSBPT will review your request for accommodations. To submit your request, please follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Register for the NPTE

FSBPT can only conduct a formal review of your request once you have registered for the exam and paid your exam fees. As part of the registration, you will indicate that you are testing through one of the states above and that you will be requesting testing accommodations.

Step 2: Review our Documentation Requirements and Submit Documentation

Carefully review the FSBPT Documentation Guidelines. Assemble your supporting documentation and submit it to FSBPT along with the FSBPT Accommodations Request Form via secure document upload at www.fsbpt.org/adadocs.

Step 3: Application Review

FSBPT reviews requests for accommodations in the order in which they are received. Reviews cannot be expedited. You should therefore submit your request for accommodations as far in advance of your exam date as possible to allow for a timely and orderly review process.

FSBPT staff will review your request and may have your request reviewed by external experts. FSBPT has the ultimate discretion to approve or deny requests for testing accommodations.

You can expect a decision on your request in approximately ten business days. FSBPT will communicate your decision via email.

Step 4: Schedule your Exam

If your request for accommodations is approved, you will receive an Authorization to Test letter reflecting the approved accommodations via email within two business days of when you received the decision on your request. To schedule your testing appointment, follow the instructions included in the Authorization to Test letter.


Accommodation requests, including all supporting documentation, must be submitted to FSBPT no later than the Registration and Payment Deadline for the exam you want to take. Documentation received after the deadline will be considered for a future exam.

Incomplete Requests

If FSBPT reviews your request for accommodations and deems it incomplete, we will notify you and request additional information that will enable us to make a determination. This is NOT a denial of the request. To continue the accommodations process, you will need to upload additional supporting documentation to FSBPT at www.fsbpt.org/adadocs. The review timeline for an incomplete request is generally ten business days from when the additional documentation is requested. Accommodation requests, including all supporting documentation, must be submitted to FSBPT no later than the Registration and Payment Deadline.


If FSBPT denies your request for accommodations, in whole or in part, you have the option to submit an appeal. Appeals must be submitted within 7 days of the original decision on your request and should include a detailed rationale for your appeal along with any additional supporting documentation that you choose to submit, addressing any deficiencies outlined in your decision letter. A neutral third-party medical professional with expertise that is appropriate for your impairment(s) will review the appeal and make a recommendation to FSBPT. FSBPT will then review that recommendation and inform you of the decision on your appeal.

Upload your completed Accommodations Appeal Form and supporting documentation to FSBPT at www.fsbpt.org/adadocs.

An appeal must be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of when you receive FSBPT’s original decision on your request. FSBPT will provide the outcome of your appeal within 10 business days.

Temporary disabilities or circumstances.

Requests based on a temporary disability such as a broken arm, or temporary circumstances such as pregnancy, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.