In this News Brief:
Serve on an FSBPT Committee!
Are you interested in serving on one of the committees below beginning January 1, 2025? • Continuing Competence Committee • Education Committee • Ethics and Legislation Committee • Finance Committee • Resolutions Committee • Sexual Misconduct and Boundaries Committee
Learn more about these opportunities on our website. To apply, log into the FSBPT Portal and complete the volunteer application (located under "Members Area > Get Involved). Don't see an opportunity that interests you but have ideas you'd like to share? Contact us!
Prepare for the Annual Education Meeting
Registration for the 2024 Annual Education Meeting (AEM) opened earlier this month. Register today and join us in Iowa, October 31-November 2.
Funded attendees If you are a funded attendee, you should have received travel authorization information and a unique registration link via email. If you have not registered and plan on attending, please use the link in the email to register. If you think you are a funded attendee and you have not received this information, please contact us. Note that you will receive a hotel confirmation closer to the event date.
Have questions about the meeting? We have answers! Visit the AEM website as your one-stop resource for all things conference, including meeting schedules and session descriptions. Explore the FAQ section for further details on a specific topic.
The Slate for the 2024 Elections
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate for this year’s elections, to take place virtually during the Annual Education Meeting, October 31–November 2. Please read the Candidate Statements to get to know the candidates.
The Nominating Committee held a Candidate Forum on Tuesday, July 2, in conjunction with the 2024 Leadership Issues Forum, to introduce 2024 candidates for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee. A recording of this forum is available in the FSBPT portal for members. This will be followed by a Candidate Forum in the fall.
Please join FSBPT in thanking the 2024 Nominating Committee Members, Ron Barredo (Chair), Robert Friberg, and Adrienne (Stacy) Price for their work this year.
Stephen Curley (KY) Secretary |
Deanne Grier Yates (KS) Secretary |
Steven Scherger (MN) Treasurer |
Krista M. Wolfe (PA) Treasurer |
David Harris (TN) Director #1 |
Craig Thomas Miller (MI) Director #1 |
Bernardine Spaulding Evans (DC) Nominating Committee Member |
Kristina Lounsberry (LA) Nominating Committee Member |
Nominating Committee Slating Process
The purpose of the nominating committee is to identify and choose FSBPT’s future leaders.
In addition to position-specific considerations for many of the positions on the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee, the committee also has some global considerations to ensure that the elected positions reflect diversity. In addition to ethnicity, gender, and age, other kinds of diversity considered include an individual’s role with a member board (PT, PTA, public member, board staff), geographical representation, and practice setting.
In January of each year, the committee reviews the self-nominated individuals. They also contact the members of the Board of Directors and the chairs of FSBPT committees and task forces to obtain input on potential candidates. The committee then reviews the names to identify which individuals best meet the needs and qualifications for the positions up for election that year. The final step in the process is to interview those individuals and confirm the slate of candidates based on these interviews. If you have questions about this process, please reach out.
Model Practice Act Moment
Each month, we will focus on a different statute section from the Model Practice Act and its accompanying commentary.
Statute Article 3: Examination and Licensure 3.01 National Examination
A. The board shall provide for a national examination within the jurisdiction. B. To be eligible to sit for the national examination, the candidate must meet nationally recognized requirements that support the integrity of the examination and are further defined by rule. 1. The physical therapist examination is a national examination that tests entry-level competence related to physical therapy theory, examination and evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment intervention, prevention, and consultation. 2. The physical therapist assistant examination is a national examination that tests for requisite knowledge and skills in the technical application of physical therapy services. C. Candidates must agree to abide by security and copyright provisions related to the national licensure examination. If the board determines that an applicant has violated any of these provisions or engaged in or attempted to engage in any other conduct that subverts or undermines the integrity of the examination process or validity of examination results, the board may disqualify the applicant from taking or retaking the examination permanently or for a specified period of time. D. Any violation of security and copyright provisions related to the national licensure examination, subversion or attempts to subvert the national examination shall be reported by the board to the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. E. If the board determines that an applicant has engaged or has attempted to engage in conduct that subverts or undermines the integrity of the examination process, including a violation of security and copyright provisions related to the national licensure examination, the board may disqualify the applicant from taking or retaking the examination permanently or for a specified period of time.
Leadership Issues Forum Report
The Leadership Issues Forum presentations and final report are now available in the Members Area. If you have any trouble accessing them, please contact
Available Funding Opportunities
The FSBPT Board is committed to supporting its member jurisdictions in their mission to protect the public. Join the ranks of states, including Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Virgin Islands, and Texas, that have all taken a big step toward both administrative efficiency and protecting the public. They are currently leveraging FSBPT Grants to enhance the ELDD, improve compact privilege implementation, and collect workforce data.
Your state should be next! Learn more about our available grants to help jurisdictions with enhancing your participation in or communication with our Examination, Licensure, and Disciplinary Database (ELDD), improving compact privilege implementation, or collecting workforce data.
FSBPT offers grant funding to support its member jurisdictions in their mission to protect the public. If you are interested in receiving a grant, please send an email to FSBPT's CEO, William A. Hatherill summarizing what you would like to have funded and why it is important or how it can improve efficiencies for your board.
Upcoming Webinars
We are hosting multiple upcoming webinars within the FSBPT Portal, allowing you to easily access member resources, groups, and events all in one place! Be sure to register for these upcoming webinars:
October 2024 Regulatory Hour: The 4th Branch of Government: The State of the Administrative States
- October 16, 2024, 4:00 p.m. ET
This Could NEVER Happen to Me! Protecting Yourself and Preventing Sexual Misconduct
- November 6, 2024, 7:00 p.m. ET
December 2024 Regulatory Hour: Recent Rulings, Real Impact: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
- December 18, 2024, 4:00 p.m. ET
To register, please log in to the FSBPT Portal, select "Events," and click on the event you'd like to register for.
FSBPT Welcomes David Sigman as our New Chief Financial Officer
We are excited to have David join our team, offering his long and broad experience effective September 16. David and his family reside in Washington, D.C. David has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Miami University in Ohio and a master’s degree in taxation from American University. He most recently was the CFO at the Association of Fundraising Professionals and, prior to that, at the Chief Executives Organization.
Linda Michelsen, our current CFO, departed FSBPT in August and is enjoying her retirement in Charlottesville, Virginia. We are grateful for her many years of service and wish her a bright and happy retirement.
Send Us Additional Recipients
Do you know of any individuals or groups that would be interested in receiving our monthly News Brief? Or, did someone forward this to you and you'd like to be on our list?
Please send any referrals our way! Contact us via email at with information, ideas, or suggestions.
We appreciate your collaboration in our effort to further our mission to protect the public.
FSBPT Forum: AI, ChatGPT, and Licensing Exams
Claims that artificial intelligence (AI) systems have passed some licensure exams have raised concerns about exam validity and test security. However, doubts remain over how AI systems were used in these exams and the extent to which researchers had to use judgment to identify correct versus incorrect responses. This article is by Lorin Mueller, FSBPT Managing Director of Assessment.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Delegate Handbook
The 2024 Delegate Handbook is now available in the Members Area. The handbook provides members with reports from FSBPT committees, financial audits, and other information.
Many Thanks to Our Volunteers
This month, we thank our generous volunteer members for their support of our mission.
- Exam Development Committee
In the News
FSBPT provides the following links for your education and awareness but does not endorse the content.
"Study ranks US health system dead last among wealthy nations," Health Exec, Chad Van Alstin, September 19, 2024 "An analysis of the quality and accessibility of the healthcare systems of 10 Western democracies found that the U.S. ranked dead last overall."
“HHS Reorganizes Technology, Cybersecurity, Data, and Artificial Intelligence Strategy and Policy Functions,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 25, 2024 "The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced a reorganization that will streamline and bolster technology, cybersecurity, data, and artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and policy functions."
"KFF Health Tracking Poll February 2024: Voters on Two Key Health Care Issues: Affordability and ACA," Kearney et al., KFF, February 21, 2024 "Heading into the election, the issues that voters are most interested to hear candidates talk about are related to the economy and health care costs. At least eight in ten voters say it is “very important” for the 2024 presidential candidates to talk about inflation (83%) and the affordability of health care (80%) – relatively unchanged from November 2023. Following inflation and health care affordability, about seven in ten voters say it is “very important” to hear presidential candidates talk about the future of Medicare (73%), the future of democracy (72%), and immigration (69%)."
"HHS Acquisition Regulation: Acquisition of Information Technology; Standards for Health Information Technology (HHSAR Case 2023-001)," Federal Register, August 9, 2024 "The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing to amend and update its Health and Human Services Acquisition Regulation (HHSAR) to implement requirements to procure health information technology (health IT) that meets standards and implementation specifications (standards) adopted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) in the following parts: Acquisition of Information Technology and Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses."
“Moral Injury and the Global Health Workforce Crisis – Insights from an International Partnership,” Dean et al., The New England Journal of Medicine, August 31, 2024 "With health care workforces in the United States and Europe shrinking at unsustainable rates, it’s vital to understand the drivers of moral injury so that solutions can be developed."
FSBPT Board of Directors
Members of the board of directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions.
Ruggie Canizares Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah
Ellen Donald Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Cynthia Potter Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
David Relling Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Virgin Islands
Steven Scherger Arkansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia
Michelle Sigmund-Gaines Alaska, Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
Michele Thorman Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, Wisconsin
Charles E. Reiter The public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions
FSBPT’s Board of Directors wants members to know staff is available to assist any jurisdiction with writing statutory or regulatory language. When you are crafting new laws or regulations/rules, especially involving FSBPT products such as the NPTE or Coursework Tool, or controversial topics such as dry needling, FSBPT is a resource to remember!
Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Point of Contact/Email Address
ADA accommodations
Christine Sousa
Assessment or examination development questions
Lorin Mueller
Continuing competence
Jeffrey M. Rosa
Credentials review
Jaime Nolan, FCCPT
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation
Exam registration processing
Christine Sousa
Foreign educated issues
Leslie Adrian
Jamie Nolan
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module
Legislation or Model Practice Act
Leslie Adrian
Meeting arrangements
Paul Delaney
NPDB reports/questions
Angela Burnham
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool
Reimbursement of expenses Other financial matters
David Sigman, ext. 226
School reports
Score transfer & reporting
Christine Sousa
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool
Security issues
Susan Newman
Anything else, including news to share with members
William A. Hatherill Caitlin Jennings

From the coneflower-covered banks of the Potomac, where the fish are faster, the fishing boats are longer, and the fishermen are still full of stories.
- William A. Hatherill, CEO