We want you to succeed and become a valued member of the physical therapy profession. That's why we offer several different ways to help you prepare for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE®).
Start studying now by reviewing the content outlines for physical therapists and/or physical therapist assistants.
This timed practice exam helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses prior to taking the NPTE.
Get the look and feel of the exams administered at Prometric test centers.
All the information you need to know about the exam and how it is administered is included.
The NPTE in (About) Sixty Seconds is a series of videos that addresses some of the most common questions that candidates ask the FSBPT Exam Services team.
Review our quick six-point checklist prior to taking the exam.
Understanding your strengths and weaknesses in test-taking skills can significantly improve your preparation strategies and reduce exam-related anxieties.
It requires a lot of hard work to develop and validate the exam. Learn more about NPTE development in the free resources section of this website.